Use my code "wffay7xbt" to get $25 off your first purchase of Bond Premium (currently free for limited features, $50/month or $450/year for more features, and $100/month or $900/year for even more features. Wow that is really expensive I am paying $45 a year WTF.) I highly recommend it if you can afford it because it is truly amazing. I am gonna contact them and see if I can get the class a major discount.
Meeting Someone For The First Time
ALWAYS meet in a....
Trust your gut, if you have a bad feeling.....
Going to Their House for the First Time
Share your __________ with a trusted _________
Have a designated ____________ with said trusted __________ so if you do not get in touch they know to ____________
Event Safety
Always know these 3 main things....
Have an established _________ or know the event's established ____________
Know the....